Friday, June 11, 2010

Triops Day 1 and Day 2

Ok so far it's been day 1-ish 2-ish... because I had to warm up the water and soak the water prep bag overnight (8 hrs minimum) and so I think it was the morning at 9 am PST I popped about 8 triops eggs into a smaller hatchery and we'll see. They are really small... approximately 0.5mm / 1/32 of an inch or smaller. I didn't want to put 1/2 the container which would have been like 10 or so eggs. Small colony good, but of course that lessens the chances of success possibly depending on the statistics of failure per egg.

Anyway, based on my readings online from other Triops gurus also they mentioned that new hatchlings would be better in a smaller tank so that it's easy for them to find food and once prob say day 3 then only relocate them to the bigger / regular tank. So lets see.

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